Friday, January 25, 2008

Fresh/Fade? Friday: Chic Raw

I got my gear up/ jeans and all...LMAO...Werd Up.

Welcome to Fresh or Fade? Friday's (It's up to you but I know I'm tired of listening to wack niggas who some how made it and now have ample opportunity to pound out earholes with wack raps). Friday is gonna be the day I try to present a fresh new prospect in this game that i love so much. Our inaugural entry will be Chic Raw. I stumbled upon the young bol's video's on the viewTube and I found everything I could that chronicled Chic as a rapping professional. The kid lives a hard life and I believe he represents Philly right now as it is, he's the personification of the atmosphere of young black angst that pervades the ute's of Killadelph. I wasn't the only one who thought so because (Complex, Blender, or it might have been XXL{ I forget which..} wrote a full page article on the Young Lord last summer.) This video set it off for me and you gotta appreciate the kid's intensity if nothing else.

Hopefully young ignorance flows into young wisdom.

“It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things” (Henry David Thoreau).

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